Press release: Marion Agunbero to be new member Board of financial supervision Aruba
On June 21st, 2024, the Kingdom Council of Ministers agreed with the appointment of Mr. Marion Agunbero, MA, as member of the Board of financial supervision of Aruba (CAft) on the recommendation of Aruba. Mr. Agunbero will succeed Ms. Hellen van der...
ArubaPress release: Cft: Adopt budget modification for 2024 without delay
Sint Maarten stelde de begroting voor 2024 vast op 14 mei 2024. Dit is bijna een halfjaar na de deadline van 15 december 2023. Het College financieel toezicht Curaçao en Sint Maarten (Cft) maakt zich zorgen over de kwaliteit van de begroting en...
Sint MaartenPress release: Cft: Saba keeps developing financial management
Op 18 juni 2024 bracht het College financieel toezicht Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba (Cft) een bezoek aan Saba. Het college sprak daar met het bestuurscollege over de verdere ontwikkeling van het financieel beheer en de ingezette...
SabaPress release: CAft: “Use the momentum to make the economy more resilient”
The economy of Aruba is growing in a prosperous way. The public finances are showing a positive image as well. It is important that Aruba uses its current financial position to structurally put its government finances in order and make the economy...
ArubaPress release: Cft about Curaçao: “Now is the time to address budgetary risks”
Along with Sint Maarten and the CBCS, Curaçao has managed to find a solution for the ENNIA issue. This solution will take up a considerable portion of the country’s budget, however, some financial margin still remains for Curaçao. Now is the time...
CuraçaoPress release: Cft: “Prioritize adoption of budget 2024”
Since 2010, there has not been a single year in which Sint Maarten has managed to timely adopt its budget. This year, the situation is no different, which means there is no framework in place for incurring expenses and making investments. Therefore,...
Sint MaartenPress release: Cft: “Prioritize 2024 budget adoption and investments”
Sint Maarten is expected to realize a surplus in its operational expenses in 2023. For now, the investments are lagging behind compared to the adopted 2023 budget. For long the Board of financial supervision Curaçao and Sint Maarten (Cft) has been...
Sint MaartenPress release: CAft: “Take action now to strengthen public finances and the economy”
The Aruban economy has been on the rise since 2021. According to the latest insights from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the economy will grow by 8 percent in 2023. For 2024 a growth of 3 percent is expected. This strong recovery, combined...
ArubaPress release: Cft: “Anchor improvements”
The Executive Council of Bonaire faces the important task of structurally anchoring the financial management improvements achieved in the organization of the public entity. The Board of financial supervision Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (Cft)...
BonairePress release: Cft: “Despite increasing income, Curaçao is facing major challenges”
In the coming years Curaçao will face higher expenses as a result of the ENNIA solution and the refinancing of the liquidity support. The risks and uncertainties in health care and social security remain invariably high as well and Curaçao...